
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Quick Update

Things have been kicked into high gear here. I've been working hard on the CPCU and have recently passed another exam, meaning I only have ONE left! I'm hoping to crank it out and finish it by Dec. 15th, that way I can be done. Done Done. NO MORE! I can enjoy Christmas, New Years, my birthday, and then my Wedding! And I want that; I want that freedom to be able to do something that I want to do, not something that I have to do. And to not feel guilty for it.

One more month. If I pass, only one more month.

It feels like all I have been doing is studying and ignoring everything else around me. I haven't been a great friend. I haven't been a great fiancé. It's amazing I get food on the table right now. Good food too.
This is my favorite thing I have made in quite a long time. Super, super easy, delicious, quick. (PS those pills in the background are for my cat Fitch, the only cat I know who needs to be on drugs to stop peeing on things in our house.)

We did have a really fun Halloween party, and tons of our friends came. Jake, Bruno, and I were all pirates. It was my first year dressing up Bruno, and although his costume only lasted about 10 minutes, it was still super funny to see him in his get-up. 
 Bruno was actually really miserable in his costume, but it was so cute we had to get a few photos before we had to take it off
 Our little pirate family. Somewhere along the way I lost my hat, not quite sure where it went.
And all my fun women! I love my friends, they really made the night enjoyable :)

I know this post doesn't have a crazy amount of substance in it, but something is better than nothing! 

One more exam to go.... Wish me luck!